Friday, December 27, 2019

Rigidity of Puritanism Exposed in Hawthornes Young...

Rigidity of Puritanism Exposed in Young Goodman Brown Proverbs 10:28 implies the idea of the universality of sin in saying The prospect of the righteous is joy, but the hopes of the wicked come to nothing. In Young Goodman Brown, Nathaniel Hawthorne illustrates this through Browns actions. When Brown lives a righteous life with good faith, his thoughts remain pure and happy. He has a wonderful wife, and he enjoys the presence of everyone. As he takes his walk into the forest and into evil ways, his hopes and faith disappear. He no longer loves his wife in the same way, and he despises everyone whom people consider were holy. When he loses his faith, he loses his happiness. To†¦show more content†¦The evil feeling adds to the dreary mood, and it also gives a hopeless feeling to the reader. Nothing good comes out of evil, and these words tell the reader that something horrible might happen. He then describes Brown as stern, or sad, or even a desperate man, who needs help. Browns experiences horrify him. They eventually change him to a stern and sad man. He can never see his friends and loved ones the same. When you think of hopelessness, disparity often comes to mind. Brown feels desperate and hopeless about his future. He doesnt know what to do about this nightmare. The thought of losing his wonderful past frightens him. Also, symbolism plays a large role in promoting the idea of universal capacity for sin. For instance, the name alone of Young Goodman Brown stands for every Puritan man. He, like all others, must eventually face sin. Browns wife Faith also represents belief in Calvinism. When his passion and love for his wife rage like a fire, his faith rages as well. Both his faith and love change throughout the story. Faiths pink ribbons stand for the attractive guarantee of salvation. The red for sin, and the white for purity. When these ribbons fall to the ground, his faith has essentially hit rock bottom. Also, the traveler that Brown meets reflects the devil. In earlier years he walks with both Browns

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